

"Renaissance of Joan" is a 2024 comedy and mystery film that will be released in Japan. Directed by Masaki Nishiura, Yasuji Ikebe, and Shigeru Mikki, this film stars Hiroki Tamaki, Yuki Sakurai, Takuma Ono, Yuka, Saki Kagaoka, Naoki Tanaka and other talented actors. The story follows the life of Tatsuro Echizen, better known as "Sanpu Minami", a popular and successful female manga artist. However, behind this disguise lies a single father who struggles with indecisiveness. One day, Tatsuro receives a notice from the court appointing him as a prosecutor. As he embarks on his new role and learns about the profound significance of the prosecutor's office, he comes face to face with the powerful and dominant prosecutors. Challenging their authority like Joan of Arc did during her crusade, Tatsuro joins forces with other ordinary citizens who make up the "Prosecutory Council" to uncover the truth hidden behind the veil of corruption. Helmed by renowned directors and featuring a stellar cast, "Renaissance of Joan" is an exhilarating legal drama that exposes the dark side of society through entertaining courtroom battles. As Tatsuro navigates through challenges and stands up against the unjust legal system, viewers will be constantly on the edge of their seats in anticipation of the next unexpected twist. With thought-provoking themes of justice and empowerment woven into its storyline, this film invites audiences to reflect on their own beliefs about right and wrong. Through Tatsuro's journey, we witness the power of determination and courage in fighting for what is just. Intriguing characters, captivating plot twists, and heartwarming moments make "Renaissance of Joan" a must-watch film for all fans of comedy and suspense. Get ready to join Tatsuro and the "Prosecutory Council" in their quest for truth and justice. Don't miss this highly anticipated film, coming to Japanese theaters in 2024






